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***** Respect for All, Ambitious in Aspirations and Bold in Actions *****

Headteacher Update - Covid 19 18.03.2020

Dear Parents & Carers,

At 5.15pm  yesterday, the Secretary of State for Education gave a public statement that all state-funded schools in England would be closed from the end of the school day tomorrow.

Having indicated that all schools would be closed, he then went on to say that schools would be expected to remain open for the children of key workers and for those in various vulnerable categories – providing a safe place and access to meals.

We are expecting a definition of ‘key worker’ today from the Cabinet Office. It will take time to determine the nature of this provision.

Although we have been anticipating such an announcement, and prepared for various scenarios, the limited details so far released raise considerably more questions than answers. You will all have your own legitimate concerns and queries.

The Secretary of State gave no undertaking that schools would be expected to sustain a pattern of normal learning during the closure; rather that any available staff would be expected to support other frontline efforts.

I am working with all staff to clarify as best we can what this announcement means for the school, for our children and for you. I anticipate providing more details later today.

Thank you for your support and for your patience in the meantime.

For the next two days, school will continue to work as we have thus far and continue as normal within the COVID-19 Public Health England guidance.

Mrs D Grindrod

D Grindrod

Head Teacher

Respect for All, Ambitious in Aspirations, Bold in Actions
