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RECEPTION OPEN DAYS - Friday 8th November, Monday 11th November, Tuesday 19th November. Please see our poster on the red parents tab/useful information for parents.***** Respect for All, Ambitious in Aspirations and Bold in Actions *****

Christian Values

Christian Distinctiveness Handbook

HOME SCHOOL VALUES... is a resource to help our school further strengthen links with you as parents/carers by sharing with you our Value Focus each half term. 


WE OFFER HOME SCHOOL VALUES... sheets as a download on the school website.


HOME SCHOOL VALUES IS DESIGNED TO PROMOTE SPIRITUAL AND MORAL DEVELOPMENT. It is not homework and is used most effectively when parents/carers are really enthusiastic about exploring the value at home with your children. Parents/Carers will need to use discretion when deciding which parts of each issue of Home School Values are most appropriate to the age of their own children.


THE HOME-SCHOOL CHALLENGE... nurtures the links between home and school . We hope that you enjoy these sheets to share at home with your child/children.

Respect for All, Ambitious in Aspirations, Bold in Actions
