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RECEPTION OPEN DAYS - Friday 8th November, Monday 11th November, Tuesday 19th November. Please see our poster on the red parents tab/useful information for parents.***** Respect for All, Ambitious in Aspirations and Bold in Actions *****

No Outsiders

No Outsiders

At our school we promote and educate our key theme of 'No Outsiders!'

How we will achieve this ethos?

  • Shared voice and language 
  • Weekly assemblies 
  • Half termly lessons - linked to literature and PSHCE
  • Displays 
  • Praise and sanction 
  • All stakeholders buying into this
  • High profile
  • Books and other literature which celebrate diversity in our library and classrooms which can be taken home.

Why is this ethos so important?  

Our children leave us destined for the workplace, for a role in modern Britain. We want our children to champion inclusion and celebrate diversity. To feel that they never are an outsider and to welcome all that they meet. We believe that no one is  born to hate - it is learnt - we need to teach another lesson to spread love and  show love.


For more information see:

Respect for All, Ambitious in Aspirations, Bold in Actions
