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Maths information

How will my child learn Maths at St George's?

Children learn mathematical knowledge and skills in context. Often linked to areas of theme work, this makes learning in maths fun, engaging and relevant to children's lives, the wider world and other areas of the curriculum. Our approach to learning in this way ensures that children are securely prepared for the mathematical challenges that await them in Key Stage 3 and that they have experienced applying their mathematical knowledge and skills in a wide range of contexts - a skill we believe to be important for our learners' future lives.

Each unit of work is carefully planned (White Rose Maths) to ensure that it is relevant to other areas of the curriculum where possible.

Teachers use a 'pre-task' of work to asses children's prior knowledge when planning a unit of work. From the assessment of the 'pre-task',  targets are set and the learning journey begins. Children are introduced to the key concepts, vocabulary and real world application of the particular area of maths. One the maths skills have been taught they then apply their learning in a contextualised challenge before finishing the learning with a 'Post task', where they can see the progress that they have made.

Children are also exposed to challenges which use their knowledge in problem solving situations.  

Maths - Adaptations to Learning

School Subscriptions & Recommended Websites

In June Year 4 will take a times table test to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12, which is essential for future success in maths.  It will also help our school identify pupils who may need additional support.

Respect for All, Ambitious in Aspirations, Bold in Actions
