Last term we were visited by some members of our Parent Teacher Association Committee. The purpose of their visit was to gift classes with a large selection of playtime equipment. The children have loved accessing the new resources this week. Equipment included stilts, skipping ropes, balls, dice and counters for new yard marking games; to list but a few items contained within the playtime boxes. We would like to say a big thank you to the PTA for gifting these resources.
The PTA are a committed and incredibly supportive team who give so generously of their time to benefit our school. With school budgets now becoming increasingly tighter, their financial support is invaluable. If you are interested in joining the PTA in any capacity then I know you will be very warmly welcomed. Please contact them via their email
Once again, thank you to all our families for your generosity and support with all of the PTA events. All PTA funding goes directly back to the children for them to see the benefits of. I have attached a few pictures of the fun had so far this week with the equipment.
Mr Chilton will be working with our Play Leaders to help and support children in learning new games during lunchtimes on a rota basis during the Summer Term. Our Midday Assistants and Playtime Duty Staff will also be encouraging children to use the new equipment to learn skills and support children in sharing their favourite games with others too.